Why Do People Die From Narcotics Addiction?

Everyone knows that you can die from a drug addiction but what some people do not understand is how those deaths happen. Many people only have a vague notion that drugs kill you. It is a morbid fact that there is not only one way that drugs kill.


Overdose is one of the number one ways that people die from a narcotics addiction. Drug overdose is one of the leading causes of emergency room admissions, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Overdose happens when someone takes too much of a drug and it begins to shut down the bodies systems. Respiratory or cardiac failure are the most common forms of overdose.

Relapse Overdose

Relapse overdose is when someone who is recovering from drug addiction takes an amount of the drug that causes them to become overloaded with it. This happens in two ways. One is over exuberance. A person becomes excited by the prospect of feeling the drug again and takes too much. The other way is when their tolerance is lowered by not using the drug and they attempt to use the same amount as before.

Overdose while being Treated

narcotics withdrawal

Without the proper medical attention, narcotics withdrawal can lead to death.

Overdose during treatment happens most often when someone is on a replacement drug. These replacement drugs are sometimes partially made up of the drug they are addicted to. Replacement drugs when taken with the original drug can cause dangerous levels of both drugs to build up in the system. This causes the overdose conditions.

Death During Withdrawal and Detox

Death during withdrawal or detox happens when a drug withdrawal is done without medical supervision. Alcohol and benzodiazepine detox are two types of withdrawal that regularly kill during the withdrawal process. These drugs as well as others need medical supervision before stopping the drug completely.

Mixing Narcotics and Other Drugs

Another cause of drug death is mixing drugs, usually with alcohol or a drug that has an opposite effect. These deaths are usually rules as accidental drug overdoses. This also happens when someone is prescribed too many drugs at once. When a drug addict doctor shops and the addict is accidently put on conflicting drugs death due to the mix is a possibility.

Secondary Issues

Many people die from secondary issues with addiction. These are issues such as:

  • drunk driving,
  • drugged driving,
  • drug related infection such as HIV and hepatitis, and
  • drug related violence and crime.

There are many other secondary issues that are complications of drug use. These complications include people who have secondary issues such as a weak heart or liver issues. They take the drug not knowing that it will harm already damaged systems in their bodies. When these systems fail it is both due to the condition and due to the drug. An example of this is when a person with a heart condition takes a stimulant and goes into cardiac arrest.

How to Find Help

If you are addicted to narcotics any of these issues can happen to you. Drugs both legal and illegal are deadly. Seek treatment before it is too late by calling 1- 800-934-1582(Sponsored) .

the Take-Away

Everyone knows that you can die from a drug addiction but what some people do not understand is how those deaths happen. Many people only have a vague notion that drugs kill you. It is a morbid fact that there is not only one way that drugs kill. Overdose Overdose is one of the number …