According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the use of narcotics for recreation is steadily increasing. Although some have gone out of fashion, drug manufacturers and dealers are always coming up with new ones to captivate younger users and bewitch them into addiction. If you have never tried narcotics illegally, you might wonder what …
What is so Special about Narcotics?
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the use of narcotics for recreation is steadily increasing. Although some have gone out of fashion, drug manufacturers and dealers are always coming up with new ones to captivate younger users and bewitch them into addiction. If you have never tried narcotics illegally, you might wonder what is so special about narcotics.
Why do People do Illegal Narcotics?

People with an untreated mental illness often use narcotics to self-medicate.
People use illegal narcotics for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons are general while others are the result of serious medical conditions. A few of the more common reasons are:
- mental illness – self medicating a mental illness is one of the most common reasons that people start using narcotics. They look for anything to relieve the feelings that low self esteem and low self worth cause.
- boredom – Some people just start using because they want something to do. They are bored with their ordinary life and try narcotics to relieve the boredom.
- loss of inhibitions – when someone is socially anxious or has a difficult time in social situations they may start using narcotics to make it easier for them to socialize and be around other people.
- something new to try – trying something new and different is always exciting, unfortunately, some people try narcotics because they have never done it before.
- physical illness – some people are prescribed the narcotics in order to alleviate the pain of a chronic illness or other condition.
- peer pressure – in some cases friends or even family members con you into trying narcotics. Unfortunately, many of the common narcotics are extremely addictive and you wind up addicted before you even realize it.
- accidental dosing – some people wind up trying narcotics accidentally. Although this sounds strange, there are many stories of people being drugged at parties or accidentally by being given food or drink in a strange situation.
These are not the only reasons why people use narcotics. They are just very common ones. When asked some people will say they do not know why they started using in the first place.
Why is a Narcotics Addiction Dangerous?
Narcotics addiction is dangerous because it is possible to lose yourself in the drug. Many narcotics offer a powerful escape from what is real feeling. The false feeling narcotics provide are often better than what a person, particularly one with a mental illness, feel normally. Unfortunately, the feeling is not real and it takes more and more of the drug to have the same effect. Soon the addiction takes over your life. It becomes a cycle of getting the money for the drug, finding the drug, taking the drug, coming down off the drug, and doing it all over again. Their lives become nothing but chasing the drug until there is nothing left.
How to Find Help for a Narcotics Addiction
If you’ve fallen into the trap of narcotics addiction, there is help available. Call us at 1- 800-934-1582(Sponsored) . We can help you break free from the addiction and get your life back.
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