Unhealthy Behaviors that Contribute to Drug Addiction

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there are many things that contribute to drug addiction but there is no one predictor of it. There are however unhealthy behaviors that can contribute to the likelihood of becoming a drug addict.

Previous Addictive Behavior

Addictive behavior is a key indicator of later addiction. Although this sounds obvious, some people exhibit addictive behavior long before they ever try anything addictive. They get attached to things very quickly and have difficulty letting go when they need to.

Choosing Short Term Happiness

A very large indicator of addiction is taking short term happiness over long term goals. They take short cuts such as drinking and drugs in order to be happy. When they continue to do this it becomes a habit. Many of the substances that create short term happiness are extremely addictive. These substances include:

  • opiates,
  • cocaine,
  • stimulants, and
  • depressants such as benzodiazepines.

It also includes alcohol and many other designer drugs such as MDMA. People who desire short term happiness over long term usually end up addicted to one of these substances.

Oppositional Behavior

Defiant and oppositional behavior as a child or teenager is considered a predictor of future drug use. It is not known if it is the behavior, that is the indicator or the fact that drug use is forbidden that causes the addiction. Someone exhibiting oppositional behavior often goes against rules set by both parents and society. Using drugs is often an act of defiance unfortunately; this act of defiance can lead to addiction.

Poor Diet

Poor diet leads to a lot of health issue including depression and other mental issues. When someone is depressed or mentally unstable, they are a lot more likely to have an addiction problem than when they are not. In addition, many amphetamine addictions start with the desire to lose weight. Amphetamines are known to cause rapid weight loss and are abused because of this.



Overworking can lead to stimulant abuse.

People often use stimulants when they are overworking themselves. After awhile caffeine will no longer be enough. People who chronically overwork often turn to other stimulants. Some of those get into amphetamines. These amphetamines are extremely addictive.

Abnormal Sleeping Patterns

Abnormal sleeping patterns are both a sign and a cause of drug use. When people do not sleep, they become depressed and anxious. This causes people to start using drugs to both get themselves to sleep and keep themselves awake. Actions like this quickly cause addictions.


Isolationism is a cause of drug use. People suffering from social disorders and other isolationist conditions often turn to drugs for both socialization and relief. Workplace isolation can also lead to recreational drug use.

All of these unhealthy behaviors can quickly lead to drug addiction. Fortunately, there is help. If you even suspect you or someone you know is addicted to drug call us at 1- 800-934-1582(Sponsored) . We can help identify behaviors the cause addiction and help you find the treatment you need.

the Take-Away

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there are many things that contribute to drug addiction but there is no one predictor of it. There are however unhealthy behaviors that can contribute to the likelihood of becoming a drug addict. Previous Addictive Behavior Addictive behavior is a key indicator of later addiction. Although this …