The effects of opioid dependence on one’s health may only be reversed through various treatment interventions.
Opioid Dependence Treatment Options
Opioid dependence can take different forms depending on how far along a person is in the drug abuse cycle. Whereas one person may still be able to hold down a job and run a household, another has suffered multiple losses to the point where he or she can no longer think clearly or maintain close relationships.
Opioid dependence treatment options exist for most every situation, which makes for a wide variety of programs.
Choosing between the various opioid dependence treatment programs can seem overwhelming considering the wide range of available programs and services. Ultimately, when considering opioid dependence treatment, it’s important to choose a program that can best address your treatment needs.
The Effects of Opioid Dependence on the Mind and Body
According to the Canadian Medical Association Journal, opioids, such as hydrocodone, Vicodin and Dilaudid produce pain-relieving effects by interfering with the chemical processes that regulate brain and central nervous system functions.
Dependency issues develop out of the over-abundance of neurotransmitter chemicals that enter these systems.
In cases of opioid abuse, these effects weaken the brain’s natural chemical-producing processes to the point where the brain has to rely on the drug’s effects to secrete needed neurotransmitter supplies. With chronic opioid abuse practices, chemical imbalances take over the brain and compromise a person’s thinking, emotions and behaviors.
In effect, a psychological dependency takes root, which lies at the heart of compulsive drug-using behaviors.
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Opioid Dependence Treatment Options
For People at the Early Stages of Opioid Dependence

Rest is imperative during opioid detoxification.
People entering opioid dependence treatment at the early stages of drug use are likely only dealing with a physical dependence on the drug’s effects. At this stage, repeated withdrawal episodes have developed, though drug-using behaviors have not yet taken over a person’s daily life.
Under these conditions, opioid dependence treatment works to help a person stop using opioids through detoxification treatment. This entails medications, rest and 24-hour support as the brain and body learn to function without the drug’s effects.
For People Engaged in Chronic or Long-Term Opioid Abuse
With chronic or long-term opioid abuse, extensive damage to brain and central nervous system functions warrants ongoing care that includes detoxification and ongoing behavioral treatment.
According to the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration, this level of opioid dependence treatment should be administered through a residential program where a person can address the underlying issues that drive compulsive drug use.
In the process, opioid dependence treatment works to equip recovering addicts with the skills needed to maintain a drug-free lifestyle.
Interventions commonly used in this stage of opioid dependence treatment include:
- One-on-one psychotherapy
- Group therapy
- Relapse prevention training
- Medication therapies
- Support group work
- Other complementary and alternative therapies
Recovering from opioid dependence often takes longer than a person expects as the aftereffects of drug abuse can impair thinking and behavior long after drug use ends.
The different options available through opioid dependence treatment help to walk a person through the various stages of the recovery process. This is especially the case for people coming off chronic, long-term addiction problems.
If you or someone you know are considering opioid dependence treatment and need help finding a program that meets your needs, please feel free to call our toll-free helpline at 800-934-1582(Sponsored) to speak with one of our addictions specialists.
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