Help for Prescription Opioid Abuse

Whether legal or not, prescription opioid abuse can wreak just as much havoc in a person’s life as heroin and cocaine. Prescription opioids, also known as prescription pain medications, have become the do-all and cure-all when it comes to treating symptoms involving pain.

These drugs also produce feelings of calm and euphoria along with their pain-killing effects. For these reasons, prescription opioid abuse rates outnumber most every other type of addictive drug.

According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, opioids were involved in close to 50,000 overdose deaths in 2019, accounting for over 70% of all drug overdose fatalities in the U.S.

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Getting help for a prescription opioid abuse problem can never happen too soon as these drugs can quickly take over a person’s life. Thankfully, there are a wide range of treatment programs and services available to help addicts overcome the effects of prescription opioid abuse.

Prescription Opioids

Prescription Opioid Abuse

Help for opioid abuse comes in many forms, including support groups.

Prescription opioids exist under many different names and strengths, each of which is capable of treatment various types of pain symptoms. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, examples of prescription opioids include:

Prescription opioid abuse develops out of the addictive properties of these drugs, which work to alter the brain in much the same way as cocaine and LSD addictions. The key factor driving opioid addictions has to do with how these drugs interact with specific cell receptor sites in the brain.

The brain houses endorphin-producing cell receptor sites that naturally react to opioid substances. In effect, opioids stimulate the release of endorphin chemicals in massive amounts. With ongoing use, this process works to warp cell receptor site functions, causing dependency and addiction to develop.

Treatment Programs

Prescription opioid abuse treatment programs help recovering addicts work through the different stages of the addiction process. Detox treatment marks the first stage of the recovery process. From there, most, if not all opioid addicts require continued treatment to address the psychological aspects of addiction.

Residential and outpatient treatment programs both accomplish the same ends, though residential programs offer a more intense and structured treatment environment. Many people in recovery go directly from residential to outpatient treatment care in order to stay engaged in the recovery process.

In cases of chronic, long-term prescription opioid abuse, sober living homes offer recovering addicts the opportunity to transition from drug treatment to everyday life within a supportive, recovery-focused living environment.

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47,300* People Addicted
23,100* Getting Help
8,209* Deaths
*Statistic from 2015

Treatment Program Services

Prescription opioid abuse treatment programs administer various services designed to address the individual treatment needs of each person. While some people may only require ongoing psychotherapy and group counseling, others may need help dealing with the drug cravings and withdrawal effects that so often persist into the recovery process.

According to the Mayo Clinic, medication therapies in the form of methadone, naltrexone and buprenorphine can help reduce withdrawal and cravings effects. These medications work especially well for people coming off chronic opioid addictions.

As the potential for relapse can remain for years into the recovery process, treatment programs encourage recovering addicts to attend 12-Step support group meetings as a regular part of their weekly schedules.

the Take-Away

If you or someone you love is having trouble stopping opioid use on their own there are rehab programs and treatment options that can help you.