If you abuse Lorcet or any other form of hydrocodone, it’s important to seek addiction treatment.
3 Phases of Lorcet Addiction Treatment
The opiate addiction epidemic is continually growing and Lorcet is part of the problem. Lorcet is what is called a combination opiate because it is a combination of acetaminophen and hydrocodone. The hydrocodone is highly addictive and requires treatment to end the addiction. Treatment usually follows specific phases.
Phase 1: Assessment
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the first phase of addiction treatment is an assessment. This is a meeting with a clinician and they will ask you questions about your addiction. Although this phase is hard, it is extremely important that you tell the truth. Some of the questions they will ask you are:
- What are you taking?
- How long have you been taking it?
- What dosage did you take?
- Does anyone else in your family have a problem with drugs or alcohol?
- Do you take any other drugs or medications?
- Are you allergic to anything?
- Do you have any other health concerns?
- What do you want out of treatment?
- What is your current support system?
- What is the history of your drug use?
There are many more questions during the initial assessment. Some may be about your Lorcet addiction, while others might be about your habits and lifestyle.
Phase 2: Detoxification
According to the National Library of Medicine, detoxification is the abrupt discontinuation of a substance in a strong supportive environment. During detoxification, you might experience withdrawal. Most people who are going through detoxification can opt for medication to help with the symptoms.
The medications that drug treatment centers use for Lorcet addiction are:
- Methadone
- Suboxone
- Burprenorphine
These medications stop the withdrawal symptoms and are useful in addiction treatment.
Phase 3: Addiction Treatment
This phase is where the real work begins. There are several types of treatment for you to choose. Some of your treatment options are:
- Medication assisted treatment – doctors use medication to stop the withdrawal symptoms and cravings as well as counseling to help change your behavior.
- Cold Turkey treatment – this is the treatment that does not use any medication to help you. You participate in counseling to help you change the addiction behaviors.
- Supplemental medication treatment – supplemental medications such as antidiarrheals, analgesics, and antiemetic are given to help with the withdrawal symptoms and counseling to help the addiction and cravings.
- Medication management – during medication management, you stay on medications used during detox to help with the craving and withdrawal symptoms. Some of the medications you can stay on for years.
- Medication tapering – during this type of treatment you stay on the medication until you are ready and the doctor helps you wean off it.
All of these treatments may be in an inpatient or an outpatient setting depending on your preference.
Finding Lorcet Addiction Treatment
Finding Lorcet addiction treatment is not difficult. All you have to do is call 800-934-1582(Sponsored) . We can help you find the treatment that you need to end your Lorcet addiction.
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