I think my Husband/Wife is an Addict, What should I do?

If your husband or wife is acting strange and you are not sure why, it could be an addiction. Stress at work, depression, chronic pain, and anxiety can all cause someone that you love to turn to drugs or alcohol. When they turn to substances to relieve these feelings, they often wind up with a …

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Can Narcotic Addiction Be Treated Without Medication?

Narcotic addiction can sometimes be treated without medication, but in most cases, it is not the recommended route. This is because going through narcotic addiction treatment is extremely difficult, from the early withdrawal stage to even the later stages of recovery. It is a physically and mentally draining and painful process that is made much …

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10 Questions Only a Doctor can Answer About Addiction

When you decide that you want treatment for drug addiction, there are a few questions you should ask the doctor who will be running your program. Most doctors will be able to easily provide answers for these questions or will refer you to someone who can. 1. What Kind of Treatment is Available? According to …

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The Consequences of Denial in Opiate Addiction & When to Throw in the Towel

In spite of the “high” effects opiate abuse brings, these drugs drain the body’s vitality over time. Physical withdrawal episodes and disorientation most characterize the less favorable aspects of drug abuse, and yet addicts don’t seem to mind these discomforts as long as needed drug supplies remain available. While this may seem like the worst …

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How to tell Your Parents You Want Treatment For an Addiction to Narcotics

Telling your parents that you have an addiction is hard enough but asking for treatment might seem even harder. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, seeking treatment is the best way to overcome a drug addiction. Unfortunately, many children do not get the treatment they need because they are afraid to talk to …

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10 Myths about Narcotics Addiction Dispelled

According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, narcotics come in all shapes and sizes. They are a class of drug that is one of the most sought after and one of the most dangerous. There are a lot of myths that float around about narcotics and narcotics addiction. In making the decision to seek treatment for …

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The Opiate Overdose Epidemic: Is Someone You Know at Risk?

Today’s opiate overdose epidemic has swelled considerably since its beginnings, with more and more people succumbing to the addictive effects of opiates each year. Opiate overdose rates not only reflect the large number of people abusing these drugs, but also demonstrate how opiates can quickly overpower the mind and the body. Without needed treatment help, …

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The Dangers of Codeine Abuse and Knowing When Treatment Help is Needed

Codeine, an opiate commonly used to treat mild to moderate pain symptoms, can be obtained with a prescription as well as from any store that stocks pain relief remedies. Codeine also works well as a cough suppressant. As the first opiate drug approved for over-the-counter sales, codeine remains one of the most commonly prescribed drugs …

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Are All Narcotics Illegal?

While all narcotics are not illegal, there is a discrepancy in how the term itself is used and which drugs it exactly covers. Medically speaking, though, there are many narcotics that can be used legally while under a doctor’s care. What Does “Narcotic” Mean? Narcotic is a term that covers many types of drugs and …

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