NA Just for Today: What’s it all About?

Have you ever heard the expression, “Take it one day at a time?” When you’re going through addiction recovery, this phrase helps you focus only on what you can control, instead of on things you cannot control, or that may happen in the future. In Narcotics Anonymous, “just for today” is a concept that helps you overcome drug addiction by focusing only on the present day and present moment.

If you’re suffering from addiction and need help getting clean, call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-934-1582(Who Answers?) to speak with a drug abuse counselor who can help you find nearby NA meetings and drug rehab centers.

Just for Today, Stay Sober

Making the decision to stay sober at the start of every day allows you to maintain total control over your actions, thoughts, and behaviors. Instead of thinking about the weeks, months, and years of sobriety ahead of you, focus on recovery and staying sober just for today.

Just for Today, Appreciate Small Victories

Just for Today

Celebrate each sober day and all the progress you’ve made!

Every day you spend without drugs and alcohol counts as yet another day toward settling into a new healthy addiction-free routine and lifestyle. As you continue along the path to sobriety, you’ll eventually start practicing small, healthy habits that can be counted as small victories against addiction, such as replacing morning drug use with a morning run.

Appreciate these victories as they come one day at a time, since they represent your success with staying sober.

Just for Today, Keep Your Guard Up

After you’ve gone an extended period of time without using, you may feel confident enough to place yourself in situations that could potentially lead to relapse. But just for today, avoid temptation, keep your guard up, and seek help and guidance at NA meetings or from your sponsor on days you need it the most.

Don’t wait Until It’s Too Late.

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Just for Today, Bond with Other Addicts

On days you’re feeling especially troubled about addiction recovery, past experiences, or life problems that influence your need to use, know that fellow NA members are available to offer support. Just for today, open up to another recovering addict who may share similar struggles, and can offer insight as to how to stay sober when times are tough.

Just for today, bond with like-minded individuals like yourself devoted to staying sober and helping fellow NA members do the same.

Just for Today, Replace Fear with Love

There may be some days you experience feelings of fear and loneliness as you navigate your newly sober life. But going to daily NA meetings helps you avoid these feelings as you’re establishing a new, healthy daily routine and lifestyle free of drug use.

Just for today, take control of your emotions by attending NA meetings and getting the support you need.

Just for Today, Focus on Getting Help

At NA, “just for today” is about enjoying a sober lifestyle, and having faith in other NA members devoted to guiding you through recovery.

Just for today, you can gain a more positive perspective on life, remain fearless, and bond with other recovering addicts and sober individuals.

If you’re struggling with addiction, understand there are nearby NA meetings and drug rehab centers ready to help. Call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-934-1582(Who Answers?) to speak with a drug abuse counselor about your local addiction treatment options.

the Take-Away

By learning how to be aware of the present moment, you can focus more clearly on your recovery goals and take it one step at a time.