5 Ways to Find Out if Addiction Recovery Meetings Can Benefit You

Addiction recovery meetings and 12-step programs such as Narcotics Anonymous have been effective at helping addicts achieve sobriety for decades. If you’re struggling with addiction, or suspect you might have a problem with addiction, these groups can offer you the support and guidance you need to stay clean. But first, you must determine whether you truly have a problem with addiction to know whether addiction recovery meetings can benefit you.

Are you suffering from addiction and aren’t sure where to turn for help? Call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-934-1582(Sponsored) to learn more about nearby support groups and drug rehab centers that can help you achieve sobriety.

Here are five ways to determine whether going to addiction recovery meetings can help you stop using and achieve sobriety.

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1. Track Your Drug Use

Start tracking your personal drug use, such as your daily dosage and the frequency at which you’re using. This can help you determine whether you might have a problem with drug abuse and addiction. For example, taking twice the prescribed dosage of painkillers several times per day is a common sign of addiction.

2. List the Pros and Cons of Quitting

Addiction Recovery Meetings

Listing the pros and cons of quitting can help motivate you to seek support.

Make a long list of pros and cons associated with quitting drug use. If the pros far outnumber the cons, quitting may be your next best step. Common pros associated with quitting are achieving better overall health, financial savings, and improved performance at school or work.

3. Examine Your Priorities

Make a list of everything that’s most important to you in your life, such as your children, home, and health. Then, determine whether drug use is interfering with your most important priorities. If so, you may need treatment for substance abuse and addiction.

For example, spending money on drugs can make it difficult for you to pay mortgage or rent, and from being able to buy necessities such as clothing and food for your children.

4. Ask for an Honest Opinion

Ask someone who cares about you whether they think you have a problem with addiction. Sometimes, loved ones may feel hesitant about stepping forward and addressing addiction, especially if they feel uncertain, scared, or worried about invading your privacy. Inform your loved one that you’re concerned you have a problem with addiction, and that you are seeking their honest feedback and opinion.

5. Reflect on Past Efforts to Quit

Have you ever tried limiting or quitting drug use, but can’t stop using? Think about past efforts you’ve made to quit, and about why they failed to help you achieve sobriety. If you don’t feel confident you can stop using on your own, addiction recovery meetings can help you learn new tips and tricks for avoiding relapse and staying clean.

Addiction recovery meetings allow you to hear stories from other recovering addicts about their own struggles, and teach you new ways to overcome addiction. If you’re intent on quitting drug use, but can’t seem to quit on your own, addiction recovery meetings can offer you the support you need to achieve lifelong sobriety.

Nobody should have to overcome addiction on their own — including you. Call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-934-1582(Sponsored) to speak with a drug abuse counselor who can discuss your options for local drug rehab centers and addiction recovery meetings.

the Take-Away

If you want to quit using drugs or are having trouble staying sober, you could benefit from addiction recovery meetings.