Generally, a combination of medications and behavioral therapies are used to treat tramadol addiction. However, other interventions may be necessary if the patient experiences psychosis.
How is Tramadol Addiction Treated?
Tramadol, like other opioids, can cause addiction when abused in high doses over several weeks or months. When someone becomes addicted to tramadol, they will require professional treatment in order to end their misuse of the drug and make a change in their life for the better.
General Tramadol Addiction Treatment
In general, tramadol addiction is treated the same way that addiction syndromes involving oxycodone, hydrocodone, heroin, methadone, and other narcotics are. Tramadol is used to relieve moderate to severe pain, and the options that are beneficial to other narcotic addicts can be beneficial to those who have misused tramadol as well. Treatment options include:
- Naltrexone– an opioid antagonist that triggers withdrawal symptoms in anyone dependent on opioids
- Methadone– an opioid agonist that minimizes withdrawal symptoms, reduces cravings, and stabilizes the user
- Buprenorphine– a partial opioid agonist that works much in the same way as methadone but is also paired with naloxone to minimize the chance of abuse
Behavioral therapies
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy– a program that helps patients think differently about their substance abuse and anticipate future problems
- Contingency management– a program that uses vouchers or prize incentives to help patients stay sober
- Group therapy– a program that allows patients to help one another confront problematic beliefs and create a better behavioral pattern
Usually, a person is able to rely on these options, which according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, can “effectively treat” narcotic addiction. However, tramadol can create certain issues when abused that differ from other narcotics and may require another type of treatment.
Tramadol-Induced Psychosis and Its Treatment
As stated by a study in the journal of Addiction Health, tramadol can cause atypical symptoms when abused, one of which is psychosis. This can often occur during or after withdrawal and requires a specific treatment modality. In the study cited above, the patient who experienced this issue “was treated with analgesic, sedative, and hypnotic drugs.” Antipsychotics were not prescribed.
While the individual needed analgesics still to minimize their withdrawal symptoms and cravings for narcotics, they also required other medications to treat their psychosis. Because these psychotic symptoms were only temporary, though, they were not prescribed antipsychotics and the symptoms soon subsided.
In addition, the individual will need to be treated for any lingering effects associated with their temporary psychosis. While behavioral therapy is usually always a part of opioid addiction rehab, the psychosis itself should be acknowledged in therapy and any after-effects associated with it should be treated. Otherwise, the individual may be more likely to relapse.
Seek Tramadol Addiction Treatment Now
Tramadol addiction is dangerous just like other narcotic addictions. Because of the possibility of one experiencing atypical symptoms like psychosis, though, professional treatment is absolutely necessary, and the individual should be tested and treated for any additional issues.
If you are looking for tramadol addiction rehab or just want to learn more about the drug and the effects it can cause, call 800-934-1582(Sponsored) . We can help you find a rehab center that fits your needs. Call today.
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