Hallucinogenic Drugs List

Hallucinogens are a class of drugs that can change a user’s perception of reality when ingested. These drugs can affect a person’s overall well-being, physically and mentally. Some people that have used these type of drugs have reported the experience as nightmarish. It makes many see, feel, and hear things that aren’t there. They call this experience, a “trip”. The hallucinogenic drugs list contain drugs derived from natural compounds, as well as synthetic drugs.

While some users may have had a good trip, others have had such intense hallucinations –that they end up needing treatment or immediate medical attention. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a bad trip can include terrifying thoughts and nightmarish feelings of anxiety and despair that include fears of losing control, insanity, or death.

Hallucinogenic Drugs List You Should Be Aware Of

Hallucinogenic Drugs List

Hallucinogenic drugs can endanger the user.

If you suspect a loved one is using these types of drugs, then it is important to be familiar with the various types available. Learning about the effects that these drugs can cause is also necessary to help avoid dangerous outcomes. The experience that each person has can vary. In some cases, the hallucinations brought about from the use of such drugs can cause a user to harm themselves or others around them.

Here are some of the most used hallucinogenic drugs:


LSD is a synthetic illegal drug. Very potent drug that produces powerful hallucinations. Also known as acid. A bad trip can cause:

  • Severe anxiety
  • Delusions
  • Violent behavior
  • Rapid mood swings
  • Seizures


PCP is a synthetic dissociative hallucinogenic drug. Also called angel dust. Some of the negative effects include:

  • Paranoid thoughts
  • Impaired motor skills
  • Depression
  • Hostile behavior
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • An overdose can cause coma, or even death


Ketamine is classified as a dissociative drug. Used as a anesthetic in veterinary medicine. Illegal use as a street drug that produces feelings of detachment and distorts a user’s perception of what he sees, feels and/or hears. Some of the effects of ketamine are:

  • Impaired motor function
  • Loss of coordination
  • Delirium
  • Amnesia
  • Aggressive behavior


DXM is a synthetic substance known as dextromethorphan. It is an ingredient found in certain cough medicines. Illegally some users extract the DXM from the cough syrups to then ingest it separately. Some of the effects include:

  • Visual and auditory hallucinations
  • Panic attacks
  • Vomiting
  • Lethargy
  • Disoriented
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Rashes


Salvia is a natural plant based hallucinogenic drug. Also known as diviner’s sage, Sally-d, and Maria pastora. Some of the psychoactive effects of Salvia include:

  • Intense hallucinations
  • Dizziness
  • Slurred speech
  • Lack of coordination
  • Nausea

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Psilocybin is also known as magic mushrooms. The hallucinogenic compounds have been found in over 75 species of mushrooms. When ingested the effects experienced can include:

  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Increased heart rate
  • Muscle weakness
  • Perceptual distortions
  • Melding of the senses
  • Impaired judgment
  • Paranoia


Mescaline is an ingredient found in the peyote cactus plant that has hallucinogenic effects. There is also synthetic mescaline. Effects known can vary and may include:

  • Appetite suppression
  • Chills and sweating
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Loss of sense of reality

While these drugs may cause different effects on individual users, all are known to cause hallucinations. There is no sure way of telling if a user will have a good or bad experience using these types of drugs. They are very unpredictable, and because most are bought illegally in the street, the drug can contain other toxic ingredients that can be very harmful to a user’s overall health.

Getting Treatment

If you are using any of the substances from the hallucinogenic drugs list mentioned here and are having difficulty stopping, then treatment should be sought soon to avoid possible fatal results. Just because someone has had a pleasant experience using hallucinogens in the past, does not mean that it will be the same each time. A bad trip can be experienced at any time, and it can put a user in a dangerous situation.

To get help getting off of hallucinogens safely, call and speak to a substance abuse specialist. They can help direct you on the right path, and provide you with resources to help get proper treatment.

the Take-Away

Hallucinogens are named for the effects they cause – hallucinations, sensory distortion, and a general loss of reality. They are dangerous, and cause users to act in very unpredictable ways.