10 Dangerous Health Risks Associated With Hallucinogen Use

Hallucinogens alter your perception and cause hallucinations and sensations that seem real and life-like. This drug class works by disrupting communication between brain chemical systems in the brain and spinal cord, and altering neurotransmitters that regulate healthy bodily function. Due to the way hallucinogens interfere with the body, use of these drugs are associated with multiple dangerous health risks and problems, including death.

If you or someone you care about is struggling with hallucinogen use and addiction, call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-934-1582(Sponsored) . Our addiction treatment counselors can guide you or your loved one toward rehab centers that can help.

Here are 10 dangerous health risks associated with hallucinogen use.

1. Increased Heart Rate

Using hallucinogens can cause long-term flashbacks that can lead to PTSD.

As one of the most common short-term side effects of hallucinogen use, increased heart rate can prove fatal for those with a history of heart problems. Increased heart rate is also often associated with high blood pressure, heart failure, and tumors.

2. High Blood Pressure

Hallucinogen use causes hypertension, also known as high blood pressure. This increases the workload of the heart and blood vessels, and damages artery walls. Over time, high blood pressure increases the risk for heart disease and stroke.

3. Flashbacks

While flashbacks may not be directly life-threatening, they can increase the risk for other behavioral health disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder. Flashbacks are a common long-term effect of hallucinogen use.

4. Poisoning

Use of psilocybin, also known as Shrooms or Magic Mushrooms, may contain poisons that can lead to death. Many cases of poisoning by psilocybin are accidental.

5. Coma

PCP, a hallucinogen also known as Angel Dust, can increase the risk for coma when used in high amounts. PCP users are at even higher risk for coma and death when combining the drug with depressants such as alcohol and benzodiazepines.

6. Birth Defects

Mescaline, which is more commonly known as Peyote, can have adverse effects on developing fetuses in pregnant women. Peyote is the only hallucinogen with known effects on unborn babies.

7. Erratic Behavior

Hallucinogens can cause users to exhibit bizarre, erratic behavior that draws negative attention from law enforcement and public health agencies. Erratic behavior is a common side effect of substance abuse and some behavioral health disorders, both of which should be addressed by healthcare professionals.

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8. Depression

Hallucinogens alter neurotransmitters and brain chemicals in a way that increases the risk for depression. Long-term depression increases the risk for suicidal thoughts, and suicide.

9. Uncoordinated Movements

Since hallucinogens alter perception and reality, these drugs can cause users to experience loss of coordination, which can prove fatal under certain circumstances. Users can experience falls, or mistakes involving tools or heavy machinery.

10. Memory Loss

Loss of memory and cognitive function can prevent users from performing normal, everyday functions, and affect performance at work or school. Memory loss also accelerates the aging process.

If you or someone you care about is addicted to hallucinogens or another substance, get help right away. Call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-934-1582(Sponsored) to learn more about your addiction treatment options. We’ll connect you with rehab and addiction treatment centers that can treat you or your loved one for hallucinogen use.

the Take-Away

Many people have the misconception that hallucinogens are harmless. Here are 10 potential health risks that disprove this idea.