How Long Does Narcotic Withdrawal Last?

Narcotic Withdrawal is the result of a physical dependence that was not tended to and therefore it is the body’s way of “needing” the drug and rebelling against the fact that it has not received it. Narcotic withdrawal is an ugly beast that must be dealt with in order to free oneself of the rigors of narcotic addiction. While this can be a daunting task to undergo, its end result is very much worth it.

How Long Does Narcotic Withdrawal Last

Withdrawal symptoms are one of the main causes of relapse.

When a person begins using narcotics for recreational purposes or uses more than is recommended by a doctor that has prescribed them, the first steps to addiction are taken. The human body naturally develops a tolerance to such substances and thus will need more and more in order for the individual to experience the same results that were initially experienced. Because of this scenario, and in conjunction with the nature of narcotics, most individuals end up addicted very quickly and find themselves spiraling out of control in an effort to keep up with their addiction.

Withdrawal from narcotics is felt to some degree each time the drug’s effects wear off, and it is usually these experiences that drive a user to use again and again. Typically an addict will make a decision to stop altogether and lose their resolve for this decision when faced with the ensuing effects of withdrawal. In fact one of the tell-tale signs of addiction is an inability to stop using on your own or several failed attempts to do so.

Once a firm decision to stop is made and the steps are taken to begin the process of detoxification, withdrawal sets in. Withdrawal from narcotics can vary in length and severity based on the individual, their habit, and other factors such as the existence of other medical or psychological conditions that may contribute to the “need” to use narcotic drugs. On average, the addict will go through a period of physical withdrawal that begins as soon as they have discontinued use and ends within 24 to 48 hours after the last use. However, the psychological damage that has occurred during the addiction may cause behavioral and psychological complications within withdrawal for weeks. Some variances are expected and come into play when examining specific narcotic drugs and individual use, as well as medical history.

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During this period, one can expect to experience symptoms such as:

  • Restlessness
  • Excessive sweating
  • Excessive yawning
  • Tremors
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Anxiety
  • Uncontrollable shaking
  • Fever
  • Accelerated heart rate
  • Shivers
  • Muscle and bone aches
  • Possible hallucinations

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After reading this list of possible symptoms, of which one or all may be experienced during narcotic withdrawal, it is easy to see why so many fail on their own to make it through this step that is critical in the recovery, but in order to be successful at kicking the addiction, this necessary step must be taken.

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the Take-Away

When going through withdrawal, you may have the impression that it is neverending. However, it’s important to know that narcotic withdrawal will only last for about 6 days.