Despite relatively lax attitudes about marijuana, the drug does have the potential to be habit forming and to cause much trouble in people’s lives. Marijuana addiction can cause psychological, physcial and social health issues.
10 Telltale Marijuana Addiction Symptoms
If you ever thought that marijuana was not addictive, you were wrong. Marijuana addiction symptoms are well documented for those who use it regularly and according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Estimates from research suggest that about 9 percent of users become addicted to marijuana; this number increases among those who start young (to about 17 percent, or 1 in 6) and among people who use marijuana daily (to 25-50 percent).”
As marijuana gains more popular support for its use and medical benefits, understanding the risks becomes more critical. The following are 10 telltale marijuana addiction symptoms that go beyond the debates of previous skepticisms and the most commonly recognized today.
1. Tolerance
Our brains have a natural ability to adapt to the presence of psychoactive chemicals by increasing or decreasing neurotransmitter responses. Marijuana increases the levels of the neurotransmitter, dopamine, and produces the pleasurable senses that most people look for when they smoke marijuana recreationally. Over time, the person needs to use more of the marijuana to achieve the desired effects and this tolerance is the first sign of marijuana addiction symptoms that can eventually, lead to dependence.
2. Compulsive Use
Marijuana users who develop a psychological dependence to its mind altering effects may feel compelled to use it in order to feel “normal”. It can become as acceptable a part of their daily activities as any other necessary task. The compulsive use of marijuana despite negative circumstance is a classical marijuana addiction symptom.
Marijuana use is dangerous, and can become compulsive. Call 800-934-1582(Sponsored) to find treatment today.
3. Association Changes
Behavioral changes such as spending more time with other marijuana users and disregarding those who are not is a common marijuana addiction symptom. This way, the user can avoid confrontations with those who disapprove and enjoy the mutual acceptance of those that share common characteristics and perceptions of marijuana use.
4. Behavioral Changes
Marijuana has a calming effect that can decrease motivations and energy, and cause impaired cognition, memory loss, and loss of coordination. Typical behavioral changes may include poor academic or work performance, lack of desire to exercise or participate in healthy activities, neglect of family, social, or financial obligations as a consequence of continued marijuana use.
5. Social Dysfunctions
Studies show that marijuana addiction can lead to lower quality of life for individuals suffering from issues of poor diet and sleep to the overall dissatisfaction with life and themselves. Social dysfunctions are common for those who become incarcerated or are unable to find gainful employment because of their marijuana use adding to the stressful issues they face elsewhere and personality disorders have been linked to regular marijuana use in teens.
6. Multiple Attempts to Quit Unsuccessfully
Repeat attempts to quit and relapses are becoming the norm for marijuana addiction symptoms as the rising marijuana potencies relate to higher dependence potentials and longer durations of cravings after cessation of use.
We can help you find treatment to successfully quit using marijuana. Call 800-934-1582(Sponsored) toll free today.
7. Withdrawals
Withdrawals are undisputable telltale marijuana addiction symptoms that typically begin with physical tension and cravings for more marijuana. Depending on the levels of addiction severity, physical and psychological health status, durations, age at onset of use, and patterns of use, the physical symptoms are usually subtle due to the slow release of marijuana stored in the person’s fat cells. Minor aches and pains, decreased appetite, nausea, insomnia, sleep disturbances, tremors, chills, and sweating may occur in heavy or chronic marijuana use.
The psychological withdrawal symptoms of marijuana addiction are a complex mixture of the user’s experiences and multiple factors too many to list. Aggression, irritability, anxiety, dysphoric, solemn, or negative moods can last for many days and the drawbacks to marijuana for relief continue to rise as do the potency levels of the marijuana found today. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “In 2012, THC concentrations in marijuana averaged close to 15 percent, compared to around 4 percent in the 1980s.”
8. Emotional Instabilities and Mental Health
Marijuana addiction, like so many other psychoactive substances, can change the way a person is able to manage stress. Beyond the compounded issues of cognitive and performance capabilities, users may suffer memory loss and lose their confidence in being able to accomplish the things that are most important in life. According to an article in the Indian Journal of Psychiatry, “Cannabis is a known risk factor for schizophrenia, although the exact neurobiological process through which the effects on psychosis occur is not well understood.”
Combined with the neurological upsets from repeated intoxication and withdrawals, there can be a tremendous impact on emotional stability. Chronic marijuana users often suffer from guilt, anxiety, depression, mood swings, aggressive tendencies, or lack or self worth and they will, often, rely on the marijuana to control these marijuana addiction symptoms although it actually makes them worse.
9. Developmental Disorders
Age at onset of use is a critical determinant of the complications that marijuana addiction can cause. According to NIDA “Marijuana also affects brain development, and when it is used heavily by young people, its effects on thinking and memory may last a long time or even be permanent.”
Since full brain development is not reached before the age of 25, structural brain damages have been causes for alarm that notably affects the user’s quality of life in the long run by impeding success and hindering the user from fulfilling their potentials.
You do not have to struggle with marijuana problems alone – treatment can help you quit. Call 800-934-1582(Sponsored) to find the support you need today.
10. Adverse Physical Health Disorders
Chemical used in cultivations and rising marijuana potencies of THC, are being linked to stronger adverse health effects. Smoking marijuana can lead to respiratory infections, low immunity, cancers, and other physical health problems. The continued use despite these or other adverse conditions are dangerous symptoms of marijuana addiction.
the Take-Away