Can Narcotic Addiction Be Treated Without Medication?

Narcotic addiction can sometimes be treated without medication, but in most cases, it is not the recommended route. This is because going through narcotic addiction treatment is extremely difficult, from the early withdrawal stage to even the later stages of recovery. It is a physically and mentally draining and painful process that is made much easier by the use of medications as treatment, and this option has been proven to help addicts avoid relapse and recover more fully. Still, there are some who prefer to be treated without the use of pharmaceuticals.

Why Do People Want to Go Through Narcotic Addiction Treatment Without Medication?

narcotic addiction treatment

Some consider medication treatment a sign of weakness, and are therefore embarrassed to use it.

There are many reasons why a person might decide they would rather go through their addiction treatment without the use of medications. For one, there is still a strong stigma attached to the use of pharmaceuticals as an addiction treatment. According to a study from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, “Use of methadone and other therapeutic medications has been viewed traditionally as substitute therapy––merely replacing one addiction with another and the treatment of choice for those too weak to overcome temptation.” This is simply untrue, as the use of these medications does not cause serious consequences like the addictive use of narcotics does, and the need for one treatment option or another should never be equated with weakness.

Other individuals, after becoming addicted to prescription opioids, refuse to start another treatment regimen with the same type of drugs, feeling that they’d rather not have this issue occur again. This is an understandable feeling, but going through withdrawal and recovery without the use of any medications at all is often associated with more relapse and further issues than that which involves medication, in addition to also being much more painful because of intense withdrawal symptoms.

Can Narcotic Addiction Be Treated Without Medication?

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Treatment varies depending on the type of drug and the characteristics of the patients;” therefore, no one method is right for every patient. In some cases, narcotic addiction can be treated without medication, but it is important the individual who chooses this option understands that it will likely be much more difficult than if they were to use a pharmacological option as part of their overall treatment program.

Most doctors will recommend that patients recovering from opioid addiction receive some type of medication, especially during the early stages of withdrawal. But as long as you work with a physician in a safe, professional treatment program, you should be able to safely go through the process without the use of medication. It is important to remember, however, that you are going to have to be more aware of your needs during recovery as well as your potential for relapse.

As a recovering addict, it is always helpful to consider all of your treatment options and to choose the ones that will make it easiest and safest for you to recover. If you have more questions about opioid addiction recovery, call 800-934-1582(Sponsored) .

the Take-Away

Narcotic addiction can sometimes be treated without medication, but in most cases, it is not the recommended route. This is because going through narcotic addiction treatment is extremely difficult, from the early withdrawal stage to even the later stages of recovery. It is a physically and mentally draining and painful process that is made much …