Signs of Narcotics Abuse

Drug abuse and narcotic abuse are often lumped together when discussing addiction. They are often interchangeable when all classes of drugs are being discussed. Narcotics abuse does refer however to a specific class of drugs. According to the Mayo Clinic signs of narcotics abuse and drug abuse are discussed as one and the same and state; “As time passes, you may need larger doses of the drug to get high. Soon you may need the drug just to feel good. As your drug use increases, you may find that it becomes increasingly difficult to go without the drug (Mayo Clinic).

Signs of Narcotics Abuse – Quantity

Narcotics Abuse

Someone who is abusing narcotics may act shady, change their hangouts and interests, and show other symptoms.

As a person begins to use/abuse narcotics the brain is chemically affected. Overloads of dopamine create a chronic need to take more and more of the narcotic to obtain the same affect. According to the National Institute of Health; ” The result is a lessening of dopamine’s impact on the reward circuit, which reduces the abuser’s ability to enjoy not only the drugs but also other events… This decrease compels the addicted person to keep abusing drugs in an attempt to bring the dopamine function back to normal…” (NIH). Unfortunately, as quantity of use arises, so does the toxicity level in your body.

Signs of Narcotics Abuse – Relationships

Familial and social relationships are important to your health and wellbeing. An article from University of Minnesota states that healthy relationships positively affect every area of your life including longevity, emotional health, dealing with stress, your immune system and blood pressure (University of Minnesota). Another sign of narcotics abuse is the loss of important relationships due to narcotics abuse behaviors. Drug seeking, stealing, appearing at family functions ‘high’, and lack of accountability all put pressure on familial and social relationships.

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Signs of Narcotics Abuse – Activities of Daily Living

As narcotic abuse becomes more and more prominent in your life, you will find that ordinary activities of daily living become more and more difficult to complete. Some examples may include personal hygiene, paying bills, school attendance, work attendance, and home maintenance. One or all of these signs of narcotic abuse are an indicator that you have move from recreational or prescribed use to abuse. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) risk factors for [Opioid] narcotic abuse include frequent contact with high-risk individuals and environments (NCBI). This can manifest as a dramatic change in your activities of daily living.

Narcotics abuse affects every area of your life. Often what seems like sporadic use to you is in reality the beginning stage of abuse. By noting the signs of narcotics abuse, you can seek intervention before abuse becomes addiction. Speak to a family member, friend or physician. Explain your concerns regarding your use of narcotics and the negative role it is playing in your life. There are many treatment programs available specific to your drug of choice. Finding help is a step in the right direction to a meaningful and healthy lifestyle.

the Take-Away

If a person is abusing narcotics, they are putting themself at risk for addiction and serious health consequences. It can lead to job loss, relationship struggles, emotional trauma and much more.