Narcotic Abuse Signs & Symptoms

All Narcotics are highly addictive and although a person may first take a narcotic legally, they can soon develop an addiction to the drug. Narcotic abuse usually results in narcotic addiction, and narcotic addiction typically begins to rule a person’s life until they get help.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, drug addiction is a chronic illness that is defined as intense and uncontrollable drug cravings as well as compulsive drug seeking that occurs in spite of devastating consequences. Overtime, a person’s ability to choose not to take the drug will become compromised and a person will have an uncontrollable compulsion to get the drug.

Narcotics Abuse Signs and Symptoms

Feelings of apathy and depression are some of the signs that a person is abusing narcotics.

Narcotics are powerful sedative drugs that will affect an individual psychologically, physically and behaviorally. Narcotic addiction can cause a person to behave irrationally and cause them to act in ways that they never would if they were not influenced by the drug’s effects.

Narcotic abuse signs and symptoms include the following…

Psychological signs and symptoms: Apathetic to the world, depression, sleeping problems, rapid mood swings, easily agitated, and anxiety.

Behavioral signs and symptoms: Stealing, pulling away from friends and family, stopping normal activities that make them happy, missing work frequently, secluding themselves from the world, and not paying pills.

Physical signs and symptoms: Dilated pupils, dry mouth, constipation, increased sleeping, dry mucus membranes, and sexual dysfunction.

Although the signs and symptoms of narcotic abuse are noticeable, there are other illnesses that could cause similar effects. If a person is abusing narcotics they should seek out help as soon as possible to avoid any major health problems to occur and to avoid abusing the drug any further.

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There are numerous narcotic addiction treatment centers available for people to help them overcome their drug addiction. There are also groups, such as Narcotics Anonymous that are free for people to join to help them stay away from drugs once they have gone through their detox.

Narcotic addiction withdrawal symptoms can be extremely difficult for a person to go through on their own once they stop using, and a person should try to find a treatment program to help them get through the detoxification process. There are many rehabs that are free for people to go to and there are other rehabs that will only charge a person what they can afford based on their income; which enables a person who feels as though they cannot afford rehab the opportunity to get help and take control of their life again.

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the Take-Away

A person abusing narcotics will exhibit signs of the abuse of the drug behaviorally, psychologically and physically, making it extremely noticeable to people who are close to the person.