10 Ways to Beat Holiday Stress without Drugs

It is strange that a time of celebration and happiness is also a time of stress. With visitors, family members, and parties it is easy to see how some become overwhelmed by the holiday hustle and bustle. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, stress is one of the leading causes of drug use. In this time of stress, some will turn to drugs such as Ritalin and narcotics to combat holiday stress, depression, and anxiety. There are ways that you can beat the holiday stress without the use of narcotics or other drugs.

1. Take a Step Back

Remember that the holidays should be fun, you should not have to over extend yourself. If you are feeling overwhelmed instead of taking a pill or a hit off something, take a break. Drink a cup of tea and sit down for a minute. A little break during the day is excellent for stopping stress.

2. Share the Load

If you are planning a holiday party with friends as them to bring something with them or help out after the party. Make the party a joint effort. That way it takes the stress off of both you and your friends.

3. Do Some of Your Holiday Shopping Online

The mobbed malls and stores are extremely stressful to some. If holiday shopping stresses you out consider doing most of you shopping online. You can find all of the stores that you would normally shop at also have online outlets. A few stores that offer online shopping are:

  • Wal-mart,
  • eBay,
  • Etsy,
  • Target, and
  • Amazon.

4. Order Dinner in

There is a new trend emerging for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. Many restaurants and private chefs are offering dinners for reasonable prices. They deliver it to your home on the night that you need it. Some even offer to come in and cook for you.

5. Volunteer Instead


Volunteering helps you focus on others instead of yourself.

Start a family tradition of volunteering on holidays instead of the usual gift buying, parties, and gatherings. Get a group of friends and family together for a volunteer experience.

6. Remember it is Not the Party that Counts

You do not have to stress yourself throwing a lavish party with lots of alcohol. You can get together with friends at restaurants and other meeting places. This is usually less stressful, less messy, and you are less likely to resort to chemical help to get through it.

7. Keep things Small

By keeping gatherings to small close friends, you reduce the amount that you need to do in order to prepare for the holidays. Things are less likely to get out of hand with a small number of people.

8. Step Out for a Minute

If things get too stressful and you find yourself craving drugs or alcohol, step out for a minute. Take a walk or sit and watch people until the craving passes. Engage in a repetitive or relaxing activity instead.

9. Talk to a Friend or Sponsor

If the stress is out of control, sit down and talk to a friend or your sponsor. Having a quiet conversation about what is stressing you can help you identify the source of the stress and eliminate it.

10. Get Help

When the stress is simply out of control and you feel like you have to use a drug to control it get help before it is too late. We can give you the information you need to find help. Call us at 1- 800-934-1582(Sponsored) .

the Take-Away

It is strange that a time of celebration and happiness is also a time of stress. With visitors, family members, and parties it is easy to see how some become overwhelmed by the holiday hustle and bustle. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, stress is one of the leading causes of drug use. …