10 Tips for Recovery Support During the Holidays

Stress is a major cause of both drug use and relapse according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The holidays are extremely stressful particularly for those in recovery. Unfortunately, the holidays are also a time for relapse into drug and alcohol use. It is important to find ways to make sure that you stay on the path to recovery during the holiday season.

1. Schedule Extra Counseling Sessions

Many recovery and rehabilitation centers help those who might suffer from a holiday relapse. If you feel stressed or as if you are going to relapse into drug use, schedule extra sessions with your therapist or counselor. They can help you find constructive outlets for the cravings and stress.

2. Do Not Over Indulge

Over indulgence, leads to the feeling that you can do anything and still come out okay. Unfortunately, one thing may lead to another and soon you find yourself doing things that you would not ordinarily do. It is important to make sure that even during the holidays everything is in moderation.

3. Use Your Support System

The people that offered to be your support system are there for a reason. If you feel as if you are going to relapse or need support do not be afraid to use the support system you have in place already. By using this support system you can avoid relapse and stay on the road to recovery.

4. Practice Good Self Care

Take care of yourself during times of stress this includes the holidays. While preparing for the holidays, many people stop taking care of themselves. Instead of eating right and getting enough sleep, they push themselves. Some users relapse when they are tired and worn down.

5. Join a Community Group

Support groups can help you get through the holidays.

Support groups can help you get through the holidays.

There are many community support groups such as Narcotics Anonymous, that help keep people from relapsing. These groups support each other even during the holidays. They even have sober activities and parties for the holiday season.

6. Contact Family and Old Friends

If you are feeling the pressure of the holidays, get together with family or an old friend. This can both serve as a distraction and help keep you from using again.

7. If You Cannot Find a Meeting or Group Speak to Someone in Your Church

Many churches have pastors and deacons that are willing to help those trying to stay sober during the holidays. Most of them have office hours around the holidays and are willing to help you in your recovery.

8. Keep Busy

Find something to do. There are a variety of free sober activities that can distract you during the holidays. Invite some of your sober friends to join you in Geo-caching, walking, or hiking.

9. Volunteer Your Time

Volunteering both gives back to your community and helps you in your recovery. By volunteering you keep yourself busy and away from drugs. There are many volunteer opportunities such as animal rescues, shelters, and hospitals.

10. Check Yourself In

If you are all alone and feel as if you are going to relapse there are both inpatient and outpatient clinics that can help. For more information or to find one of these clinics call use at 1- 800-934-1582(Sponsored) .

the Take-Away

Stress is a major cause of both drug use and relapse according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The holidays are extremely stressful particularly for those in recovery. Unfortunately, the holidays are also a time for relapse into drug and alcohol use. It is important to find ways to make sure that you stay …